badge made by tenshodo

  1. Hachiōji City Self-government Merit Badge/八王子市自治功労章

    Obverse Emblem of Hachiōji City with 王 in the center for 八王子市 - Hachiōji reverse engraved 自治功勞章 - Self-government Merit Badge 八王子市 - Hachiōji City (it is located in the western portion of the Tokyo Metropolis) reverse of the screw bears emblem of Hachiōji. Original case with outer...
  2. 1905 Taiwan Extraordinary Household Census Taker’s Badge/明治38年臨時台湾戸口調査参加章

    See also In the early 20th century during Japanese rule, the Government-General of Taiwan started to build very thorough household registration records for both families and persons, like the...
  3. Dalian Lushun Jinzhou War Victory Commemorative Badge/大州旅順金州戰捷記念章

    Photos courtesy of the owner. Height 31.6 mm. Width 28.8 mm. Weight 8.6 g. Almost certainly manufactured by the Tenshodo workshop see Obverse 戰捷記念 - War Victory Commemorative On globe 大州 - Dalian 旅順 -...
  4. Silver Numbered Badges with Manchukuo Army Star and Anchor

    Unidentified badge. No. 90028 Marked 純銀 - pure silver and maker's mark 天賞堂 - Tenshodo.
  5. Badges of Great Japan Private Hygiene Association/大日本私立衛生會章

    Dainippon Private Hygiene Association was established on February 18, 1883 and held its first general meeting on May 27 of the same year. Main mission - prevention of infectious diseases (such as cholera, tuberculosis, etc). In 1898 it became incorporated association/社団法人. In December 1931...