japanese fire brigade badge

  1. Kamiina District Firefighting Union Merit Badge/上伊那消防同盟會功勞章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Reverse 上伊那消防 - Kamiina District /located in southern Nagano Prefecture/ Firefighting 功勞章 - Merit Badge 同盟會 - Union
  2. Akita Prefecture Fire Brigade Long-Service Badges/新潟縣消防組員勤續章

    20 years badge. 1930 variation /unmarked/. Silver, enamel. Obverse 勤續章 - Continuous Service Badge reverse 消防組員二十年勤續之証 - 20 years of Continuous Service as a Firefighter [Fire Brigade Member] 新潟縣 - Niigata Prefecture 昭和五年 - 1930
  3. Mitsui Tagawa Mining Works Fire Brigade Long-Service Award Badge/三井田川鉱業所共愛組合消防組表彰章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 表彰 - Award reverse 十年勤続 - 10 Years of Continuous Service 三井田川鑛業所 = 三井田川鉱業所 - Mitsui Tagawa Mining Works 共愛組合消防組 - Mutual Fire Brigade Mitsui Tagawa was founded in 1900 when Mitsui acquired the mining...
  4. Hirokawa Town Firefighting Award Badge/広川町消防表彰章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 表彰 - Award reverse 広川町 - Hirokawa Town /located in Yame District, Fukuoka Prefecture/
  5. Toyama Prefecture Firefighting Association Commemorative Badge/富山縣消防義會記念章

    Reverse 消防記念章 - Firefighting Commemorative Badge 富山縣 - Toyama Prefecture 消防義會 - Firefighting Association Original case. 記念章 - Commemorative Badge 富山縣消防義會 - Toyama Prefecture Firefighting Association Badges were made by the Naigai workshop in Tokyo...
  6. 1936 Prince Nashimoto Morimasa Fukuoka Prefecture Firefighting Association Inspection Commemorative Badge/1936年福岡縣消防協會御検閲記念章

    Obverse 御検閲記念章 - Imperial Inspection Commemorative Badge reverse 大日本消防協會總裁 - Greater Japan Firefighting Association President 梨本宮殿下御検閲記念 - His Imperial Highness Prince Nashimoto Inspection Commemorative 昭和十一年四月十一日於箱崎 - April 11, 1936 in Hakozaki Original case 御検閲記念章 - Imperial...
  7. Greater Japan Firefighting Association Nagano Prefecture Branch Badges/大日本消防協会長野支部会章

    Obverse 名譽會員之章 = 名誉会員之章 - Honorary Member of Association Badge reverse 大日本消防協會 - Greater Japan Firefighting Association 長野支部 - Nagano [Prefecture] Branch Marked 純銀 - pure silver. Original case. 名譽會員章 - Honorary Member of Association Badge
  8. Tokyo Fire Department Meritorious Service Badge/東京消防庁功績章

    Silver, gilt. Size 50 mm. Weight 50.37 g. Reverse 東京消防庁 - Tokyo Firefighting Department 第八壱號 - No. 81 [number engraved] Marked with two marks 純銀 - pure silver. Original case. 功績章 - Meritorious Service Badge
  9. Firefighting Skills Badge/機章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 機 - Machine; Manipulation
  10. 1932 Tokyo Prefectural Firefighting Meguro Branch Commemorative Watch Fob/1932年東京府消防協會目黑支部記念章

    Obverse Police and Firefighting department emblem reverse 記念 - Commemorative 東京府消防協會 - Tokyo Prefectural Firefighting 目黑支部 - Meguro Branch 昭和七年十月一日 - October 1, 1932 Marked 純銀 - pure silver. Original case. 記念 - Commemorative 東京府消防協會 - Tokyo Prefectural Firefighting 目黑支部 - Meguro...
  11. Ishikawa Prefecture Firefighting Association Badges/大日本消防協會石川県支部章

    Left badge reverse 勤續賞 - Continuous Service Badge 江沼消防協會 - Enuma [District] (Ishikawa Prefecture) Firefighting Association central badge reverse 大日本消防協會 - Greater Japan Firefighting Association 石川県支部 - Ishikawa Prefecture Branch 勤功表彰 - Diligent Service Award badge on the right 0bverse...
  12. Taki District Firefighting Association Badge/多紀郡消防協會章

    Reverse 多紀郡 - Taki District /was a district located in Hyogo Prefecture) 消防協會 - Firefighting Association
  13. Hidaka Town Firefighting Department Diligence Service Badge/日高町消防組勤功章

    Obverse 勤功章 - Diligence Service /Hardwork/ Badge reverse 日高町消防組 - Hidaka Town /located in Hidaka Subprefecture, Hokkaido/ Firefighting Department
  14. Shizuoka Prefecture Chief of Firefighting Brigade Badge/消防静岡県団長章

    Unusual badge. Obverse 静 for 静岡県 - Shizuoka Prefecture Suspension 団長 - Chief/Commander
  15. 1934 Fukushima Prefecture Firefighting Association Prince Naruhiko Higashikuni Imperial Inspection Commemorative Badge/1934年福島県消防協会東久邇宮殿下御親閲記念章

    Size 37 x 28 mm. Reverse 東久邇宮殿下 - Prince [Naruhiko] Higashikuni 御親閲記念 - Imperial Inspection Commemorative 福島県消防協會 - Fukushima Prefecture Firefighting Association 昭和九年 四月廿一日 - April 21, 1934 Marked with practically unreadable 純銀 - pure silver.
  16. Tokorozawa Police Station Branch of Firefighting Association Badge/所澤警察署管内消防聨合會章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Reverse 所澤警察署管内 - Tokorozawa Police Station Jurisdiction [within the jurisdiction of Tokorozawa Police Station] 消防聨合會 - Branch of Firefighting Association
  17. Chiba Prefecture Firefighting Special Merit Badge/千葉県消防特別功労章

    Interesting badge designed after the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum https://asiamedals.info/forums/supreme-order-of-the-chrysanthemum.470/ In the center of obverse emblem of Chiba Prefecture. Reverse 千葉県 - Chiba Prefecture 消防 - Firefighting 特別功労章 - Special Merit Badge
  18. Mie Firefighting Association Commendation Badge/財团法人三重消防協會表彰徽章

    Obverse 表彰 - Commendation reverse 財團法人 - Foundation 三重消防協會 - Mie Firefighting Association Marked with 銀純 - pure silver and with Ando workshop mark "Maltese cross". Original case. 表彰徽章 - Commendation Badge 財團法人 - Foundation 三重消防協會 - Mie Firefighting Association Ando workshop...
  19. 1937 Hagi City Abu District Fire Relief Commemorative Service Badge/昭和十二年四月山口市萩市阿武郡下火災應援記念奉公章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse Stylized 山口 - Yamaguch 奉公章 - Service Badge reverse 昭和十二年四月 - April 1937 山口市 - Yamaguchi /is the capital city of Yamaguchi Prefecture/ 萩市阿武郡下火災應援記念 - Hagi City Abu District Fire Relief Commemorative
  20. Shizuoka Prefecture Fire Department Union Futamata Branch Award Badge/静岡縣消防組聨合會二俣支部表彰章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 表彰 - Award reverse 静岡縣消防組聨合會 - Shizuoka Prefecture Fire Department Union 二俣支部 - Futamata Branch