kōnoike workshop

  1. Yokohama City Naka Ward Air Defense Corps Ōoka Joint Group Badge/横濱市中區防護團大岡合分團徽章

    Another badge of Yokohama City Naka Ward https://asiamedals.info/threads/1936-yokohama-city-naka-ward-air-defense-corps-officer-preparatory-training-badge-a.27535/ Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Reverse 横濱市中區防護團 - Yokohama City Naka Ward Air...
  2. Yokosuka Navy Personnel Department 30th Anniversary of the Russo-Japanese War Commemorative Badge/横須賀海軍入事部日露戦役三十周年記念章

    Reverse 日露戦役三十周年記念 - 30th Anniversary of the Russo-Japanese War Commemorative 神奈川県 - Kanagawa Prefecture 横浜市 - Yokohama City 横須賀海軍入事部 - Yokosuka Navy Personnel Department 甲府聯隊区司令部 - Kofu Regimental District Headquarters 昭和十年 - 1935 Case (most likely it is not original to the badge). 記念 -...
  3. Badges and watch fobs made by Kōnoike workshop/鴻池美術店

    This Yokohama workshop was founded in 1890 and specialized in silverware. Advertisements circa 1900s.