крест ордена св.анны частного производства

  1. Orders of Saint Anna made by a Moscow workshop of Vasily Rakhmanov /ВР/ workshop

    About workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/ord...moscow-workshop-of-vasily-rakhmanov-vr.27363/ Imperial Russian Red Cross Society badges made by Vasily Rakhmanov...
  2. Orders of Saint Anna made by Samuel Arndt /S•A/ workshop

    Orders of White Eagle made by Samuel Arndt workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-white-eagle-made-by-samuel-arndt-soa-workshop.28545/ Orders of Saint Vladimir made by Samuel Arndt workshop...
  3. Orders of Saint Anna made by St. Petersburg workshop SB /СБ/

    1st/2nd class cross with flat "black" enamel. Gold, enamel. Size 45.6 x 50.9 mm. Weight 19.76 g. Marked with gold hallmark "56" of St. Petersburg assay office year mark "184[7]?" and maker's mark "СБ/SB". Marks.
  4. Orders of Saint Anna made by St. Petersburg workshop of Ivan Alexandrovich Kononov /ИК/

    Workshop history and orders of Saint Vladimir made by Ivan Alexandrovich Kononov https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-vladimir-made-by-st-petersburg-workshop-of-ivan-alexandrovich-kononov-ik.27390/ Orders of Saint George made by Ivan Alexandrovich Kononov...
  5. Privately-comissioned St.Anna orders with iconography of Kammerer & Keibel/Immanuel Pannasch

    John George Lambton, 1st Earl of Durham privately commissioned 1st class cross of St. Anne order with "dark cherry" flat enamel /see https://asiamedals.info/threads/order-of-saint-andrew-the-first-called-and-other-russian-imperial-orders-of-john-george-lambton-1st-earl-of-durham.25639/...
  6. Privately-comissioned Orders of Saint Anna without Swords made by an Unidentified Russian workshops

    2nd class Saint Anna order. Gold, enamel. Size 48 mm. Weight 18.4 g. Marked with St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark [56, kokoshnik facing left, AR /AР/ for the Alexander Romanov /Александр Васильевич Романов/ assay district manager] from 1904-1908 time period. Details. Marks.
  7. Orders of Saint Anna made by PS /ПС/ workshop

    See also orders of St.George made by PS /ПС/ workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-st-george-made-by-ps-ps-workshop.26859/ Orders of Saint Vladimir made by PS /ПС/ workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-vladimir-made-by-ps-ps-workshop.27371/ Orders of St...
  8. Orders of St. Anna with a flat "black" /dark cherry/ enamel of Unidentified Manufacturers

    1st class cross. Gold, enamel. Size 60 x 55 mm. Weight 22.4 g. Ring marked with gold hallmark "56" and only partly readable maker's mark (could be "ПА/PА" for "Павел Андреев/Pavel Andreev" https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-anna-made-by-pavel-andreev-workshop-pa.26285/)...
  9. Orders of Saint Anna of "Bulbous" type made by Grigory Petrovsky workshop /Г.П/

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-anna-made-by-grigory-petrovsky-workshop-g-p.27295/ 1st/2nd class from 1900+ time period. Gold, enamel. Size 53x48 mm. Weight 19 g. Marked with partly readable St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark in an oval shield [alpha, female...