орден святого владимира с мечами

  1. 3rd class Orders of St.Vladimir with Swords made by Eduard /ВД/

    Gold, enamel. Size 44 mm. Weight 19 g. Marked with barely visible St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark "alpha, female head in a kokoshnik to the right, 56" from 1908+ time period and round marks "female head in a kokoshnik to the right, dot under the chin"; under the enamel marked with...
  2. Orders of Saint Vladimir made by an Unidentified Moscow Workshop

    4th class cross of bulbous form. Gold, enamel. Size 43 x 40 mm. Weight 10.6 g. Marked with partly readable St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark from 1908+ time period and unreadable maker's mark. Marks. Same cross under a different light. Yet another angle.
  3. Orders of Saint Vladimir made by the Moscow workshop IV /ИВ/

    Orders of St. George made by the Moscow workshop ИВ https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-st-george-made-by-made-by-moscow-workshop-iv-iv.27619/ ; Orders of Saint Anna made by the Moscow workshop ИВ https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-anna-made-by-the-moscow-workshop-iv-iv.29188/...
  4. Orders of Saint Vladimir made by Moscow workshop of Vasily Rakhmanov /ВР/

    Maker's mark ВР /В.Р./ often incorrectly attributed to silversmith and blacksmith Rukavishnikov Vasily Egorovich who indeed used the very same maker's mark ВР /or ВЕР/. Known periods of activity: 1890s and after 1908. Periodically sold his products through the store of Sh.M. Belenky...
  5. Privately-comissioned Orders of Saint Vladimir with Swords made by an Unidentified Russian Workshops

    Orders of Saint Vladimir without swords https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-vladimir-without-swords-made-by-an-unidentified-russian-workshops.22823/ 4th class cross of "bulbous" form. Gold, enamel. Size 40 x 37 mm. Thickness 4 mm. Weight 13.4 g. Marked with gold hallmark 56 from...
  6. Orders of Saint Vladimir made by the Second Artistic Artel /Вторая художественная артель/ marked "2XА"

    About workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-george-made-by-the-second-artistic-artel-vtoraja-xudozhestvennaja-artel-marked-2xa-or-esh.26549/ 4th class cross with swords and bow. Gold, enamel. Size 44 x 39 mm. Weight 15.42 g. Marked with St. Petersburg assay office gold...
  7. Orders of St. Vladimir made by Boullanger, Paris

    In 1866, Francois-Victor Boullanger began selling orders from his newly opened shop in Paris. While he referred to himself as the "fabricant d'ordres francais et etrangers" they made very few orders. Instead, they sold the insignia of Lemaitre. In 1899, the enterprise continued under the name...
  8. Orders of Saint Vladimir for Non-Christians

    4th class St.Vladimir Order with Swords for Non-Christians made by Julius Keibel workshop /IK/. Private collection. Photos courtesy of the owner. Gold, enamel. Marked with a gold assay mark "56" with the coat of arms of St. Petersburg; on the upper beam under the enamel the imperial eagle, on...