Breast star from the the pre-1854 time period with the monogram of Ferdinand VII (1815-1847).
Silver, gilt, enamel.
Size 72 x 72 mm.
Weight 58.8 g.
Early oval plate of Halley.
halley lasne paris
halley octave lasne paris
order made by halley octave lasne paris
orderofisabellathecatholicorderofisabellathecatholic made by halley
About workshop
Silver, gilt, enamel.
Size 86 x 68 mm.
a.dupetitbosq successeur de paul stopin paris
a.dupetitbosq successor de paul stopin paris
orden isabellas der katholischen
order made by a.dupetitbosq paris
order made by paul stopin paris
orderofisabellathecatholicorderofisabellathecatholic a.dupetitbosq
orderofisabellathecatholic paul stopin paris
real orden de isabel la católica