1933 Birth of His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince Japan Conscript' Life Insurance Co., Ltd Celebration Watch Fob/1933年皇太子殿下御誕生曰本微兵保險林式會社奉祝章

See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/crown-princes-birthday-commemorative-medal.24521/ ; https://asiamedals.info/threads/bir...tion-society-commemorative-paperweight.26749/

Size 24.78 mm.

1933 Birth of His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince Japan Conscript' Life Insurance Co., Ltd Commemorative Watch Fob.jpg


奉祝 - Celebration


昭和八年十二月二十三日 - December 23, 1933

皇太子殿下御誕生 - Birth of His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince

曰本微兵保險林式會社 - Japan Soldiers' [Conscript'] Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
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    1933 crown prince birth celebration badge 1933 crown prince birth celebration watch fob 1933年皇太子殿下御誕生曰本微兵保險林式會社奉祝章 birth of his imperial highness the crown prince birth of japanese crown prince badge 昭和八年十二月二十三年皇太子御誕生メダル
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