1939 Imperial Military Dog Association Award Badge/昭和十四年財団法人帝国軍用犬協会協会賞章

See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/193...ssociation-training-skills-award-badge.27424/

1939 Imperial Military Dog  Association Award Badge 昭和十四年財団法人帝国軍用犬協会協会賞章.jpg


昭和十四年 - 1939

協會賞 - Association Award

財團法人 - Foundation

帝國軍用犬協會 - Imperial Military Dog Association


財團法人 - Foundation

帝國軍用犬協會 - Imperial Military Dog Association


協會賞 - Association Award

財團法人 - Foundation

帝國軍用犬協會 - Imperial Military Dog Association

Another cased example.

1939 Imperial Military Dog Association Award Badge 昭和十四年財団法人帝国軍用犬協会協会賞章.jpg
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    1939 imperial military dog association award badge 1939年帝国軍用犬協会協会賞章 japanese badge with a dog japanese imperial military dog association badge japanese watch fob with a dog 帝国軍用犬協会章 昭和十四年財団法人帝国軍用犬協会協会賞章
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