40th Anniversary of Imperial Soldiers' Relief Association Commemorative Badge/帝国軍人後援会創立四十周年記念章

This badge was made in 1936 in commemoration of 40th Anniversary of Imperial Soldiers' Relief Association.

帝国軍人後援会創立四十周年 記念章.jpg
帝国軍人後援会 創立四十周年記念章.jpg


記念章 - Commemorative Badge

Original case.

40th Anniversary of Imperial Soldiers' Support  Association Commemorative Badge.jpg

帝國軍人後援會 - Imperial Soldiers' Relief Association

創立四十周年記念章 - 40th Anniversary Commemorative Badge

40th Anniversary of Imperial Soldiers' Support Association Commemorative Badge.jpg
Another cased specimen.

Photo courtesy of the owner.

40th Anniversary  of Imperial Soldiers'  Support Association  Commemorative Badge.jpg
40th Anniversary of Imperial  Soldiers' Support Association  Commemorative Badge.jpg


40th Anniversary of Imperial Soldiers' Support Association  Commemorative Badge.jpg
  • Tags
    40th anniversary commemorative badge imperial soldiers' relief association imperial soldiers' relief association badge imperial soldiers' support association badge 帝国軍人後援会創立四十周年記念章 帝国軍人後援会章 帝国軍人後援会記念章
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