4th class Saint Vladimir order with a bow document issued in 1818 to Lieutenant Colonel Gustav Ivanovich Gebel for the Battle of Borodino

Size 34.1 x 22.1 mm.

and so on, and so on, and so on.​
To our Colonel, 5th Jaeger Regiment Gebel.
In reward for your zealous service and the distinction rendered in the battles against the French troops near the village of Borodino on August 24 and 25, 1812, where you and the battalion held back all enemy attempts, and on the 26th, having quickly gathered several rangers, ? them to the battlefield and, having bravely repelled the enemy with bayonets, they held the place assigned to you. We most mercifully bestowed upon you on the 19th of December 1812 a Knight of the Order of St. Vladimir, fourth class with a bow. To sign this document as a certificate, to strengthen it with the seal of the Order and to forward the insignia of the Order to you, by OUR decree on the 8th day of December 1817, WE commanded the Chapter of the Russian IMPERIAL Orders.

Given in Sankapetersburg on the 1st day of July 1818.

In the absence of the Chancellor, General of the Cavalry [Prince] Grigory Semenovich Volkonsky

Order Treasurer Major General [M.K.] Kryzhanovsky​

и прочая, и прочая, и прочая.​

Нашему Полковнику, 5-гo Егерского полка Гебелю.

Въ воздалie ревностной службы вашей и отличія, оказаннаго въ сражніяхъ противу французскихъ войскь при селе Бородино 1812 года августа 24 и 25, где вы съ батальономъ удерживали всѣ непріятельски покушенiя, а 26 числа въ короткое время собравъ несколько егерей , ? съ пользой на место сраженiя и отразя съ храбростію штыками непріятеля, удержали назначенное вамъ мѣсто. Всемилостивнйше пожаловали Мы васъ въ 19 сень Декабря 1812 года Квалером Ордена Св. Владимира четвёртой степени съ бантомъ. Грамоту сию во свидетельство подписать, Орденскою печатью укрѣпить и знаки Орденскіе препроводить къ вамъ, указомъ НАШИМЪ в 8-й день декабря 1817 года, Повелели МЫ Капитулу Россiйскихъ ИМПЕРАТОРСКИХ Орденовъ.

Дана въ Санкапетербурге въ 1-й день Июля 1818 года.

За отсутствіемъ Канцлера Генерал от Кавалерiи [князь] Григорий Семенович Волконский

Орденскiй Казначеем Генерал-Маiоръ [М.К.] Крыжановский​

Collection of Borodino State Military and Historical Museum-Reserve.

4th class Saint Vladimir order with a bow document issued in 1818.jpg

4th class Saint  Vladimir order with a bow document issued in 1818.jpg
Gustav Ivanovich Gebel (Густав Иванович Гебель; 1785-1856) - Major General of the Russian Imperial Army, commandant of Dresden, second commandant of Kiev. At the end of the cadet corps on July 4, 1800, he was sent as an ensign to the 5th Chasseurs Regiment . Less than two months later he was promoted to second lieutenant, and on October 11, 1804 he received the rank of lieutenant. He took part in the wars of the third and fourth anti-Napoleonic coalitions and was awarded the Order of St. Anne, 3rd class. On April 27, 1807, Gebel was promoted to staff captain, on March 29, 1809 to captain, and on July 6, 1812 he received the rank of major.

After Napoleon's invasion of Russia, he took part in almost all the key battles of the Patriotic War of 1812. For bravery he was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir, 4th class, with a bow and a Golden Weapon. After the expulsion of the French army from the empire, he took part in the War of the Sixth Coalition and was awarded the Order of St. Anne, 2nd class. In 1813, Gustav Ivanovich Gebel was appointed by the command to the post of parade major of Leipzig. In 1815, Goebel was confirmed as commandant of the city of Dresden. On November 26, 1819, Goebel was awarded the Order of St. George, 4th class.

With the rank of lieutenant colonel, he was the commander of the Chernigov 29th Infantry Regiment and on December 25, 1825, he received an order to arrest the battalion commander of the same regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Ivanovich Muravyov-Apostol and his brother Matvey. There were no Muravyovs in Vasilkov, and Gebel had to travel to Zhitomir and other towns, until on the night of December 29 he overtook them in the village of Trilesye, the site of one of the regiment’s companies. While carrying out the order, like-minded people of the Muravyov-Apostols (among whom were regiment officers Kuzmin , Solovyov, Sukhinov and Shchepillo) attacked Gebel and inflicted 14 bayonet wounds on him in different parts of the body and broke his right arm. The consequence of the failed arrest was a well-known riot in the Chernigov regiment. The regiment's soldiers did not take part in the massacre of the colonel, but remained only spectators. Colonel Gebel, with the help of private 5th company Maxim Ivanov, managed to escape from the Decembrists. The wounded Gebel was taken to the city of Kiev, where he spent a long time recovering. At the request of the Russian Emperor Nicholas I , still half ill, lying in bed, Lieutenant Colonel Gebel dictated a description of everything that happened to him.On January 9, 1826, Gebel was promoted to colonel for distinguished service, and then awarded the Order of St. Vladimir, 3rd class. In 1828 he was appointed second commandant of Kiev. Promoted to major general, he retired in 1835, lived for some time in Kiev, and then moved to his estate, Mogilev province, where he lived the rest of his life. Gustav Ivanovich Gebel died on August 1, 1856.​
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    4th class saint vladimir order 1818 4th class saint vladimir order in 1818 4th class saint vladimir order with bow borodino battle award early order of saint vladimir gustav ivanovich gebel imperial russian order of saint vladimir бородинская битва густав иванович гебель награда за бородинскую битву награды густава ивановича гебеля награды императорской россии орден святого владимира за бородино ордена императорской россии
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