Diligent Labor Badges a.k.a. "Industrial Warrior Golden Kite"/勤労章 勤労顕功章 別名「産業戦士の金鵄勲章」

Established on September 18, 1942 by Imperial Edict No. 652.

勤労顕功章 - Distinguished Diligent Labor Badge

Size 48.27 mm.
Weight 32.3 g.

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勤労章 - Diligent Labor Badge

Size 30 mm.
Weight 14.5 g.

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Distinguished Diligent Labor Badge was awarded on the national level /中央表彰では勤労顕功章/ to those who were previously awarded with Diligent Labor badge and were "true models for others" /実ヲ挙ゲ他ノ模範タルモノ/.

Distinguished Diligent Labor Badge.jpg

Diligent Labor Badge were awarded on the local level /地方表彰では勤労章/ to those who "worked at factories, mines, and other businesses designated by the Minister of Health and Welfare ... diligently and showed their dedication to the country" /其ノ職務ニ精励シ勤労報国ノ実ヲ挙ゲタルモノ... 工場、鉱山その他厚生大臣ノ指定スル事業ヲ行ウ事業所/.

Diligent Labor Badge.jpg

Badges could be also also awarded for the "taking care of the danger situation and fulfilling one's responsibility" /事故ノ危難ヲ顧ミズソノ職責ヲ盡シソノ行為他ノ模範タルモノ/ and in case of the "event of being seriously injured or being killed in the line of duty as a result of being involved in a dangerous situation in the line of duty"/職務上の危難に挺身し、そのために重大な傷痍を受け、または殉職した場合/.

Same badges back to back. Private collection. Photos courtesy of the owner.
Labor Badges.jpg

Labor  Badges.jpg


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Distinguished Diligent Labor Badge.jpg

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Diligent Labor Badge.jpg
Badges were designed by the famous Japanese sculptor and designer Hinago Jitsuzou (1892-1945) who also designed 1939 China Incident and 1944 Great East Asia War medals. In the central medallion we see (according to the regulation) 神像 - Shinzou = God statue; Idol (i.e. carving or painting of a deity). No further details are provided.

神像 - Shinzou.jpg
Both badges were manufactured by the Japanese Mint.

And more interestingly, according to the official history of the Mint "100 years of the Mint" both badges were made in bronze / いずれも青銅製で、/Although late war badges theoretically could be made in silvered bronze early badges (by all senses) looks like they were made in silver. According to this short note 10 mint workers were also awarded with these badges.

100 years of the Mint.jpg


100 years of  the Mint.jpg
Example of diligent labor badge with mark M.

diligent labor badge with mark M.jpg
diligent labor badge with  mark M.jpg

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造幣局製 - made by Mint.

diligent  labor  badge with mark M.jpg
Several variation of cases for Distinguished Diligent Labor badges are known.

1st variation "golden kanji".

Full set with original outer cardboard case.

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Diligent  Labor  Badges.jpg

Case clasp.



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2nd variation "silver kanji".

Full set with original outer cardboard case.

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Somebody inscribed case

勤労顕功章 - Distinguished Diligent Labor Badge

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Typical clasp for such cases.



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At least two different stamps with different shades of opaque enamel are known (note that the rays of the right one doesn't have diamond cut border).

shade  of opaque enamel.jpg
shade of opaque enamel.jpg
3rd variation "jewelry case".

The only known example as for today. Private collection. Photos courtesy of the owner.

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Note that the badge has transparent enamel.

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Opaque vs. transparent enamel.

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As for today two variation of cases for Diligent Labor badge are known.

1st variation "yellow interior".

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Diligent Labor Badge.jpg
2nd variation "dark blue interior".

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Japan News No. 141, February 11, 1943.
Prime Minister Hideki Tojo personally presents Distinguished Diligent Labor Badge.



Japan News No. 141, February 11, 1943.jpg

Distinguished Diligent Labor Badge.jpg

Reiji Sekida, representing the 80 industrial warriors from his workplace, spoke of his determination.

"We are truly honored to have received the Diligent Labor Badges, which is the highest honor for industrial warriors. We are deeply honored by this honor. We pledge to take the industrial war into our own hands without fail, destroy the United States and Great Britain by increasing production, and advance steadily as soldiers of the destiny of Greater East Asia."

Note the Ceremonial Cord https://asiamedals.info/threads/national-uniform-ceremonial-cords-gireisho.25118/

Distinguished Diligent  Labor Badge.jpg
Document for the Distinguished Diligent Labor Badge issued to Reiji Sekida /関田禮治君/ on February 11, 1943.

Distinguished Diligent Labor Badge doc.jpg
Distinguished diligent labor badge marked M.

Distinguished diligent labor badge marked M.jpg

Distinguished diligent labor badge marked  M.jpg

Distinguished diligent labor  badge marked M.jpg

Distinguished  diligent labor badge marked M.jpg
Diligent labor badge marked M.

Diligent labor badge marked M.jpg

Diligent labor badge marked  M.jpg

Diligent labor badge  marked M.jpg

Diligent labor  badge marked M.jpg
Variations by enamel and reverse surfaces.

Enamel comparison.jpg

Enamel  comparison.jpg
  • Tags
    diligent labor badge distinguished diligent labor badge industrial warrior golden kite japanese badge japanese civil golden kite medal japanese civil golden kite order japanese labor kite badge japanese labor merit badge 中央表彰では勤労顕功章 内閣印刷局 勤労動員金鵄勲章 勤労章 勤労顕功章 地方表彰では勤労章 日本ニュース 第141号 産業戦士の金鵄勲章 職場の金鵄勲章 表彰状
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