Germans Orders of Danish Sculptor Albert Bertel Thorvaldsen

Beautifully preserved early 3rd class cross of Prussian Red Eagle order awarded to Albert Bertel Thorvaldsen on January 20, 1825.

Gold, enamel.
Height 45 mm.

Collection of Thorvaldsen Museum, Copenhagen.

Order of the Red Eagle (Prussia) Knight's Cross Height 4.5 cm — копия — копия.jpg

Central medallion of classical iconography of Johann George Hossauer (October 5, 1794 - January 14, 1874) workshop.

Order of the Red Eagle (Prussia) Knight's Cross Height 4.5 cm — копия.jpg

Original document signed by Friedrich Wilhelm III.


by the grace of God, King of Prussia,
awarded the Red Eagle Order 3rd class to the Royal Danish State Councilor, Professor of Sculpture at the Academy of St. Luca in Rome, Alberto Thorwaldsen, and gave him this letter of authentication with our own signature and an imprinted royal seal regarding the rightful possession of this award. Berlin, January 20, 1825.​
Friedrich W.​

Red Eagle order Document.jpg
Commander's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Bavarian Crown /Verdienstorden der Bayerischen Krone/ that was awarded to Albert Bertel Thorvaldsen on February 18, 1829.

Gold, enamel.
Diameter 45 mm.

Ludwig I visited Thorvaldsen in his workshop and awarded him the Commander's Cross of the Bavarian Crown with the remark: "The soldier is honored on the ramparts, but the artist among his works".

Order of Merit of the Bavarian Crown  Commander's Cross.jpg


Order  of Merit of the Bavarian Crown Commander's Cross.jpg

Order of Merit  of the Bavarian Crown Commander's Cross.jpg

Neck ribbon.

Order of Merit of the Bavarian Crown  Commander's Cross.jpg
Friedrich Order /Friedrichs-Orden or Friedrichsorden/ from Kingdom of Württemberg was awarded on February 8, 1837.

Stuttgart, February 8th, 1837.

Worthy Warrior, Mr. State Councilor von Thorwaldsen. The general reputation that you have acquired during your praiseworthy career as a visual artist and the willingness with which you have actively contributed to the promotion of the fine arts in Württemberg on various occasions cause me to give you a new proof of my recognition by awarding you my Order of Frederick of your merits as well as my gratitude for your efforts. By informing you of this and sending you the insignia of this order along with the statute, it is my pleasure to at the same time renew the assurance of my benevolent dispositions to you, and I also ask God to please you, Worthy Mr. State Councilor von Thorwaldsen, may take into his holy care.


Stuttgart den 8.ten Februar 1837.

Werther Herr Staats Rath von Thorwaldsen. Der allgemeine Ruf, welchen Sie Sich während Ihrer rühmlichen Laufbahn als bildender Künstler erworben, und die Bereitwilligkeit, womit Sie bei verschiedenen Gelegenheiten zu Beförderung der schönen Künste in Württemberg thätig mitgewirkt haben, veranlaßen Mich, Ihnen durch Verleihung Meines Friederichs Ordens einen neuen Beweis Meiner Anerkennung Ihrer Verdienste so wie Meiner Erkenntlichkeit für Ihre Bemühungen zu ertheilen. Indem Ich Sie hievon in Kenntniß setze und Ihnen die Insignien dieses Ordens nebst den Statuten desselben in den Anschlüssen zugehen lasse, gereicht es Mir zum Vergnügen, Ihnen zugleich die Versicherung Meiner wohlwollenden Gesinnungen zu erneuern, und im übrigen bitte Ich Gott, daß er Sie, werther Herr Staats Rath von Thorwaldsen, in seine heilige Obhut nehmen möge.


Gold, enamel.
Height 70 mm.

The Friedrich Order (Württemberg).jpg


The Friedrich  Order.jpg

Breast star.
Silver, gild, enamel.
Size 70 mm.

The Friedrich Order (Württemberg) breast star..jpg

Diamond-cut breast star.
Silver, gild, enamel.
Size 75 mm.

The Friedrich Order (Württemberg) breast star.jpg

Gold, enamel.
Size 2 5mm.

The Friedrich Order (Württemberg) miniature 25 mm.jpg
Grand Cross of the Bavarian Order of Merit of St. Michael was awarded to Albert Thorvaldsen on July 17, 1841.

"My lively wish was to see Thorwaldsen, my old, good acquaintance, the greatest of all sculptors since Hella's heyday, in Munich again, where the most beautiful monument he created arouses admiration. Elector Maximilian I's equestrian column is unrivalled.
Since I cannot present it myself at the moment, I am instructing my Minister of the House and the Foreign Minister, Baron von Gise, to deliver the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of St. Michael to you. Accept it as a new feature that will help you appreciate what the world has in you

Baad Brückenau
July 17, 1841.
recognizing Ludwig

Mein lebhafter Wunsch war es, Thorwaldsen, meinen alten, guten Bekannten, den größten aller Bildhauer, seit Hellas blühenster Zeit, in München wieder zu sehen wo das schönste Denkmahl welches er verfertigt, Bewunderung erregt. Unerreicht ist Churfürst Maximilian I Reitersäule.
Da ich es jezo nicht selbst überreichen kann, so trage ich meinem Minister des Hauses und des Äusseren Freiherrn von Gise auf, Ihnen das Großkreuz des Verdienstordens des H Michael zuzustellen. Nehmen Sie es an, als ein neues Merkmahl daß Sie zu würdigen weiß, der, was die Welt an Ihnen besizt

Baad Brückenau
17 July 1841."
erkennende Ludwig​

Gold, enamel.
Height 110 mm.

Grand Cross of the Bavarian Order of Merit of St. Michael.jpg

Embrodiered breast star.
Size 100 mm.

Grand Cross of the Bavarian Order of Merit of St. Michael breast star Height 10 cm.jpg

Silver breast star.
Silver, gold, enamel.
Size 70 mm.

Grand Cross of the Bavarian Order of Merit of St. Michael  breast star  Height 7 cm.jpg
Commander's Cross of the Württemberg Order of the Crown /Orden der Württembergischen Krone/ awarded on February 2, 1827.

"Stuttgart, February 2, 1827.

The many efforts which you have devoted in the most accommodating manner to the statues of the Evangelists made under your direction will be a pleasant opportunity for Me to give you proof of My recognition of your excellent contributions to your art in general by awarding you the Comthure Cross of My Order of the Crown. as well as my goodwill and appreciation for the above efforts. In informing you of this, I am also sending you the decoration of My Order of the Crown in this case, and I am also asking God to take you, dear State Councilor, Knight Thorwaldsen, into his holy protection.


Stuttgart den 2ten. Febr: 1827.

Die vielen Bemühungen, welche Sie auf die entgegenkommendste Weise den unter Ihrer Leitung gefertigten Statuen der Evangelisten gewidmet haben, werden Mir eine angenehme Veranlassung, Ihnen durch Verleihung des Commenthur-Kreuzes Meines Ordens der Krone einen Beweis Meiner Anerkennung Ihrer ausgezeichneten Verdienste um Ihre Kunst überhaupt, so wie meines Wohlwollens und Meiner Erkenntlichkeit für obige Bemühungen zu ertheilen. Indem Ich Sie hiervon andurch in Kenntniß seze, lasse Ich Ihnen zugleich in der Anlage die diesfallsige Dekoration Meines Ordens der Krone zugehen, und bitte im übrigen Gott, daß er Sie, werther Herr StatsRath, Ritter von Thorwaldsen, in seinen heiligen Schutz nehme.


Gold, enamel.
Height 88 mm.

Order of the Crown (Württemberg) Commander's Cross Height 8.8 cm.jpg
Order of the Crown (Württemberg) Commander's  Cross.jpg


Order of the Crown (Württemberg)  Commander's Cross.jpg

Order of the Crown  (Württemberg) Commander's Cross.jpg
  • Tags
    3rd class prussian red eagle order albert bertel thorvaldsen awards friedrich order friedrichs-orden friedrichsorden germans order awarded to albert bertel thorvaldsen grand cross bavarian order of merit of st. michael hossauer orden der württembergischen krone order of merit of the bavarian crown prussian red eagle 3rd class awarded in 1825 prussian red eagle order made by hossauer roter adlerorden hossauer verdienstorden der bayerischen krone
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