Imperial Military Reservist Association Membership Badges of 1st type made by Suzuki workshop

1st variation.

1.jpg 2.jpg


鈴木製 - made by Suzuki

Different position of the mark.

1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg


2 variation (different stamp and additional marks).

鈴木製 (2).jpg

鈴木製 - made by Suzuki

鈴木製 (3).jpg

Another mark on the pin.


意匠権登錄 - Registered design

第五九八六 - No.5986
3rd variation (different stamp).

鈴木製.jpg 鈴木製 (2).jpg

This time mark is upside down.

鈴木製 (3).jpg
4th variation (different stamp).

鈴木製.jpg鈴木製 (2).jpg
The easiest way to differentiate between these variations will be the form and position of links in the chain.

Quite often the mark is barely readable

IMG_9030.JPG IMG_9031.JPG

or unreadable at all.

Сardboard variation of the case.

Suzuki-made badge.jpg

Suzuki-made  badge.jpg
5th variation (different stamp) badge with a kiri-made case.

Imperial Military Reservist  Association Membership Badge made by Suzuki workshop.jpg
Imperial Military Reservist Association Membership Badge made by Suzuki workshop.jpg

Imperial Military Reservist Association Membership Badge made by Suzuki  workshop.jpg

Case stamped

本部製 - Made by Headquarters

Imperial  Military Reservist Association Membership Badge made by Suzuki workshop.jpg
Imperial Military Reservist Association Membership Badge made by  Suzuki workshop.jpg
  • Tags
    imperial reservist association marked badge japanese army badge japanese reservists association badge reservists' association badge suzuki workshop badges 帝国在郷軍人會章 鈴木製
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