Metal, enamel.
Size 43 x 13 mm.
Police emblem with kanji 防 - protection in the center.
杉並警察署管内 - Suginami Police Station Jurisdiction
緊急通報一一〇番 - Emergency Phone Call 110
Size 43 x 13 mm.
Police emblem with kanji 防 - protection in the center.
杉並警察署管内 - Suginami Police Station Jurisdiction
防犯連絡所 - Crime Prevention Liaison Office /In Japan a crime prevention liaison office (Bōhan Renrakusho) is a place established by police stations and crime prevention associations in the jurisdiction of police stations to strengthen cooperation between the police and local communities in crime prevention activities. Some areas are also called community safety liaison offices. There are two types of crime prevention liaison offices: those for business establishments and those for individual households. In the case of business establishments, companies that have ties to the local community and have a certain level of credibility are appointed to act as crime prevention liaison offices. It is also notable that in many cases, management offices of apartment complexes are appointed as crime prevention liaison offices. In the case of individuals, a household that has a certain level of credibility is selected to be able to cooperate and liaise with the police and the local community in the event of a crime, so long-time residents are often selected, and people in charge of crime prevention work from old houses that have been in the area for a long time or from local residents' associations and neighborhood associations are appointed./
緊急通報一一〇番 - Emergency Phone Call 110