Japanese Medal Bars with Korean Orders and Medals

Nice medal bar with 6th class Korean order of the Eight Trigrams.

Japanese Medal Bars with Korean Order.jpg

Japanese  Medal Bars with Korean Order.jpg

Japanese Medal Bars with Korean  Order.jpg
Medal bar with 6th class order of Taeguk.

Japanese Medal Bars with Korean  Order.jpg

Japanese Medal Bars  with Korean Order.jpg

Interesting repair of the fallen off central medallion.

repair of the  central medallion.jpg
Medal bar with Emperor Yunghui's tour of Southern and Western Korea commemorative medal.

Medal bar with Emperor Yunghui's tour of Southern and Western Korea commemorative medal.jpg

Medal bar with Emperor Yunghui's tour of Southern and Western Korea commemorative  medal.jpg
  • Tags
    imperial korea awards and decorations imperial korea orders and medals japanese award group japanese award groups japanese awards group with korean order japanese medal japanese medal bar japanese medal bar with korean medal japanese medal bar with korean order japanese order japanese orders and medals
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