japanese police badge

  1. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Agency Award Watch Fob/首都警察庁賞章

    Obverse 賞 - Award reverse 首都警察廳 - [Tokyo] Metropolitan Police Agency
  2. Great Japan Prison Association Merit Badge/大日本監獄協会彰功章

    Great Japan Prison Association /大日本監獄協会/ was founded in 1888 by volunteers, including prison officials, criminal justice officials, and Diet members, who contributed membership fees to support the Meiji government's policy of improving the judicial and prison systems. The founding spirit and...
  3. Kyoto City Police Department Diligence Badge/京都市警察局精勤章

    Obverse 京 for 京都市 - Kyoto City Japanese Police emblem 精 for 精勤 - Diligence reverse 精勤章 - Diligence Badge 京都市警察局 - Kyoto City Police Department
  4. 1953 Nagoya City Police Meritorious Service Badge/1953年警察名古屋市功績章

    Obverse Japanese police emblem Nagoya emblem reverse 功績章 - Meritorious Service Badge 昭和二十八年九月 - September 1953 名古屋市 - Nagoya City Year and month are engraved.
  5. 1919 Okazaki Police Station New Building Construction Commemorative Watch Fob/大正八年六月岡﨑警察署新築記念章 

    Obverse Police emblem reverse 岡﨑警察署新築記念 - Okazaki Police Station New Building Construction Commemorative 大正八年六月 - June 1919 Case. 記念 - Commemorative
  6. Kameido Police Station Firefighters Association Honorary Watch Fob/亀戸警察署管内消防連合会名譽章

    Obverse Japanese police emblem 名譽 - Honorary reverse 亀戸警察署管内 - Kameido /Koto Ward, Tokyo/ Police Station Jurisdiction 消防連合會 - Firefighters Association
  7. Kyoto Prefecture Police School Badge/京都府警察学校章

    Obverse 京都府警察学校 - Kyoto Prefecture Police School
  8. 1918 Crown Prince Guard Commemorative Watch Fob/1918年東宮殿下行啓御警衛記念章

    Obverse Japanese Police emblem reverse 大正十一年十一月 - November 1918 東宮殿下行啓 - His Imperial Highness the "East Palace" /East Palace = Tōgū Palace - traditionally does not refer to a single location, but to any residence of the imperial crown prince/ 御警衛記念 - Imperial Guard Commemorative
  9. Fukushima Police Station Cordon Passing Badge/福島警察署非常線通過證章

    Obverse 非常線 - Cordon Firefighting emblem from 1947+ time period 通過證 - Passing Certificate reverse 福島警察署 - Fukushima Police Station /word Fukushima is engraved/ Punched number "10".
  10. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Headquarters Superintendent General Diligence Badge/警視総監警視庁精励章

    1st type. Silver, gilt, enamel. Size 23.5 mm. Marked 純銀- pure silver Original case. 警視庁 - Police Headquarters 精励章 - Diligence Badge Original outer cardboard case. 警視庁 - [Tokyo Metropolitan] Police [Department] Headquarters 精励章 - Diligence Badge 警視総監 - Superintendent General
  11. 1933 Army Special Large Maneuvers Fukui Prefecture Police Commemorative Watch Fob/昭和八年十月陸軍特別大演習警衛福井縣紀念章

  12. Yokohama City Public Safety Commission Police Excellence Award Badge/横浜市公安委員会警察優良章

    Private collection. Photos courtesy of the owner. Reverse 警察優良章 - Police Excellence Award 横浜市公安委員会 - Yokohama City Public Safety commission Original case. 横浜市警察優良章 - Yokohama City Police Excellence Award
  13. 1932 Japanese Police Badge/昭和七年四月警察章

    Obverse Police emblem reverse 昭和七年四月- April 1932
  14. 1934 Osaka Prefecture Fire Department Association Enshrinement Ceremony Commemorative Badge/1934年大阪府消防協會梨本總裁官殿下令旨奉戴式記念章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse Police and firefighting emblems reverse 昭和九年六月二十日 - June 20, 1934 梨本總裁官殿下 - His Imperial Highness Prince Nashimoto 令旨奉戴式記念 - Commemoration of the Enshrinement Ceremony by Imperial Order 大阪府消防協會 -...
  15. 1952 Ishikawa Prefectural Police 3rd Judo Tournament Award Watch Fob/1952年石川県警察第3回柔道大会賞章

    Obverse Police emblem Kanji 柔 for 柔道 - Judo reverse 賞 - Award 第3回 - 3rd 石川県警察 - Ishikawa Prefectural Police 柔道大会 - Judo Tournament 昭和27年 - 1952
  16. Imamiya Police Station Hygiene Instructor's Badge/今宮警察署管衛生指導員章

    Size 37 x 27 mm. Obverse 今宮警察署管 - Imamiya /Osaka/ Police Station Jurisdiction 衛生 - Hygiene 指導員章 - Instructor's Badge Case.
  17. 1932 Tokyo Prefectural Firefighting Meguro Branch Commemorative Watch Fob/1932年東京府消防協會目黑支部記念章

    Obverse Police and Firefighting department emblem reverse 記念 - Commemorative 東京府消防協會 - Tokyo Prefectural Firefighting 目黑支部 - Meguro Branch 昭和七年十月一日 - October 1, 1932 Marked 純銀 - pure silver. Original case. 記念 - Commemorative 東京府消防協會 - Tokyo Prefectural Firefighting 目黑支部 - Meguro...
  18. 1929 Police Association Martial Arts Tournament Award Watch Fob/1929年全國警察官武道大會警察協會賞章

    Obverse Police emblem 武勇 - Bravery 伯爵東郷平八郎書 - Count Togo Heihachiro's writing reverse 昭和四年十月丗日 - October 30, 1929 全國警察官 - National Police 武道大會 - Martial Arts Tournament 警察協會 - Police Association Original case. 賞 - Award 警察協會 - Police Association
  19. Kurashiki City Police Superintendent Award Badge/倉敷警察署長表彰章

    Obverse Keibodan emblem at the top 表彰 - Award Police emblem at the bottom reverse 倉敷警察署長 - Kurashiki /city located in Okayama Prefecture/ Police Superintendent
  20. Informational Wall Plaques of Japanese Crime Prevention Liaison Offices/防犯連絡所の琺瑯看板

    Metal, enamel. Size 43 x 13 mm. Police emblem with kanji 防 - protection in the center. 杉並警察署管内 - Suginami Police Station Jurisdiction 防犯連絡所 - Crime Prevention Liaison Office /In Japan a crime prevention liaison office (Bōhan Renrakusho) is a place established by police stations and crime...