орден святого георгия

  1. Orders of St. George made by an Unidentified Russian Workshop

    Crosses have quite distinctive iconography and (judging by the hallmarks) were manufactured somewhere around 1850s/1870s. 4th class cross. Gold, enamel. Size 39 (including suspension ring) x 34.8 mm. Marked with gold hallmark "72" and unreadable maker's mark.
  2. 4th class Saint George crosses of Lieutenant General Nikolai Nikolaevich Stogov

    For almost hundred years these two crosses were in the hiding place. Currently both in the private collection. Classical officially issued "Kapitul" Eduard-made cross in gold https://asiamedals.info/threads/4th-class-st-george-orders-made-in-gold-by-eduard-workshop.22816/ Gold, enamel. Size...
  3. 4th class Order of Saint George awarded in 1914 to Albert I of Belgium

    Awarded on September 5, 1914 https://asiamedals.info/threads/4th-class-st-george-orders-made-in-gold-by-eduard-workshop.22816/#post-347745 Classical Eduard-made ВД-marked cross in gold. Central medallions. Original case.
  4. Orders of Saint George by made Keibel&Kammerer /KK/ workshop

    See also orders of Saint George for 25 years of service made by Keibel&Kammerer https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-george-for-25-years-of-service-made-by-keibel-kammerer-kk-workshop.26484/ Since the "kapitul" (i.e. officially issued) St.George orders from the 1850s marked only with...
  5. 4th class Saint George orders of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich of Russia

    Gold, enamel. Size 52 (including ribbon loop) x 34 mm. Marked with St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark "56 St. Petersburg coat of arms". Collection of Moscow Kremlin Museums. Iconography.
  6. Orders of Saint George made by jewelers Louis Duval and Jean-Pierre Ador

    The very first crosses of the Order of St. George were commissioned to the jewelers Louis Duval /Луи Дюваль/ and Jean-Pierre Ador /Жан-Пьер Адор/. By the end of 1769 Louis Duval had made 20 “large crosses of the military order” (i.e. crosses of 1st/2nd class) at 22 rubles each and 50 “small”...
  7. 1st and 4th class Orders of St.George awarded to Alexander I

    For the first time St. George's Order Duma presented Emperor Alexander I with the 1st class Order of St. George in 1801 as a "petition of the entire cavalier estate." The emperor refused to accept the highest class of this order. St. George Duma repeated the proposal to lay upon the Emperor 1st...
  8. Miniatures and Awards of Captain Albert Ball

    Victoria Cross; Distinguished Service Order, G.V.R.; Military Cross, G.V.R.; France, Second Republic, Legion of Honour; Imperial Russia Imperial, Order of St. George, the D.S.O suspended from a gold chain. Miniature chain was housed inside velvet case made by George E. Butcher Ltd., Smithy Row...
  9. 4th class Orders of Saint George for 25 years of Service of "Nicholas I" type

    Gold, enamel. Size 27х32 mm. Unmarked. Unknown workshop. Hermitage collection.
  10. 4th class Orders of Saint George for 25 years of Service of Admiral Ivan Petrovich Epanchin

    Gold, enamel. Size 35 х 56 (with the ribbon loop) mm. Hermitage collection.
  11. Orders of St.George made by Paul Meybauer, Berlin

    General thread devoted to Imperial Russian orders manufactured by Paul Meybauer firm https://asiamedals.info/threads/imperial-russian-orders-made-by-paul-meybauer-berlin.26013/ Silver crosses of 1st type iconography. Typical iconography of crosses made by Meybauer firm. 1st class cross...
  12. Fake Orders of Saint George for 18 and 20 Campaigns

    "Classical" fake cross for 18 Campaigns.
  13. Exemplary 4th class Order of Saint George for 20 Campaigns

    Gold, enamel. Size 34 mm. Marked with St.Petersburg assay office year mark "1848" Exemplary specimen that once was in the collection of Imperial Kapitul. Collection of Moscow Kremlin Museums.
  14. 2nd class Privately Commissioned Breast Star of St. George Order of Admiral Edward Codrington

    British-made breast star in silver and gold. Admiral Edward Codrington was awarded with 2nd class Order of St. George on November 8, 1827 "For the defeat of the Turkish fleet in the battle of Navarino on October 8, 1827". "За поражение турецкаго флота в сражении при Наварине 8-го октября...
  15. 4th class Orders of Saint George of "Prinzen" size from the 1st Quarter of the 19th Century

    The actual time boarder for such crosses may extend until the 1840s. Gold, enamel. Size 32 x 29 mm. Weight 4 g. Unmarked.
  16. 4th class Orders of Saint George for 25 years of Service of Nicholas I of Russia

    Nicholas I was awarded with 4th class order of St.George for 25 years of service on December 1 (13), 1838. Gold, enamel. Size 48.4 x 31.7 mm. Weight 10.55 g. Unmarked. Collection of Museum of Artillery, Engineer and Signal Corps in St. Petersburg. Photo courtesy of the colleague and friend...
  17. 3rd class St.George Order from the Flag Pommel

    Dug out early specimen. Circa 1830s/1840s.
  18. 3rd class St.George order from the flag of His Majesty's Hussar Life Guards Regiment

    Gold, enamel. Size 52 x 48 mm. The senior officers of the regiment Staff Captain Shenshin 2nd /штабс-ротмистр Шеншин 2-й/ and Prince Meshchersky /князь Мещерский/ after the disbandment of the regiment in 1918, saved the banner of the regiment in Tsarskoye Selo (its fate is unknown) and managed...
  19. 4th class St.George Order of Nikolay Leonidovich Vladislavsky

    Interesting cross from collection of Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineers and Signal Corps in St. Petersburg. Gold, enamel. Size 39 x 34.7 mm. Note that the cross ring has a construction that is typical for the St. Anna crosses. Another such cross...
  20. Orders of St.George made by Chobillion, Paris

    4th class cross. Silver, gilding, enamel. Size 42.2 x 37.6 mm. Marked with French silver hallmark for .800 silver and AxC /A = Adrien X = two crossed billard's cues (deux queues de billard enlacées) C = Chobillon/ for Adrien Chobillon. Established by J. Chobillion in 1840, this firm only...