орден святой анны частник

  1. Orders of Saint Anna made by the Moscow workshop IV /ИВ/

    Orders of St. George made by the Moscow workshop ИВ https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-st-george-made-by-made-by-moscow-workshop-iv-iv.27619/ ; Orders of St. Vladimir made by the Moscow workshop ИВ...
  2. Privately-comissioned 1st class Order of Saint Anna with Immanuel Pannasch workshop iconography

    Interesting 1st class cross with a classical Pannasch iconography https://asiamedals.info/forums/orders-of-st-anna-made-by-immanuel-pannasch-ip.852/ Gold, enamel. Size 50.5 mm. Unmarked.
  3. Orders of Saint Anna made by St. Petersburg workshop SB /СБ/

    1st/2nd class cross with flat "black" enamel. Gold, enamel. Size 45.6 x 50.9 mm. Weight 19.76 g. Marked with gold hallmark "56" of St. Petersburg assay office year mark "184[7]?" and maker's mark "СБ/SB". Marks.
  4. Orders of Saint Anna made by the Alexander Brylov workshop /Александр Брылов/ marked "А.Б"

    Workshop history and Orders of Saint George made by Alexander Brylov workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-george-made-by-the-alexander-brylov-workshop-aleksandr-brylov-marked-a-b.26589/ Orders of Saint Vladimir made by the Alexander Brylov workshop...
  5. Orders of Saint Anna made by Moscow workshop VM /ВМ/

    Silver, gold, enamel. Size 79 mm. Marked with a maker's mark VM /ВМ/, Moscow assay office silver hallmark "St. George piercing the dragon", "84" and year mark "1851" with initials of the Moscow assay office inspector "А•К" for Andrei Antonovich Kovalsky /Андрей Антонович Ковальский/. Private...
  6. Privately-comissioned St.Anna orders with iconography of Kammerer & Keibel/Immanuel Pannasch

    John George Lambton, 1st Earl of Durham privately commissioned 1st class cross of St. Anne order with "dark cherry" flat enamel /see https://asiamedals.info/threads/order-of-saint-andrew-the-first-called-and-other-russian-imperial-orders-of-john-george-lambton-1st-earl-of-durham.25639/...
  7. Orders of Saint Anna made by St. Petersburg AL workshop

    Orders of Saint Vladimir made by AL workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-vladimir-made-by-st-petersburg-al-workshop.27599/ 4th class cross of flat "black" enamel. Gold, enamel. Size 39.8 mm. Weight 14.5 g. Marked with unreadable St. Petersburg year officer mark and maker's...
  8. Privately-comissioned Orders of Saint Anna without Swords made by an Unidentified Russian workshops

    2nd class Saint Anna order. Gold, enamel. Size 48 mm. Weight 18.4 g. Marked with St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark [56, kokoshnik facing left, AR /AР/ for the Alexander Romanov /Александр Васильевич Романов/ assay district manager] from 1904-1908 time period. Details. Marks.
  9. Orders of Saint Anna made by BK /БК/ workshop

    3rd class cross with swords. Gold, enamel. Marked with St. Petersburg assay office mark "alpha, female head in a kokoshnik, to the right, 56" and maker's mark "БК/BK". Cross was privately-comissioned by Michael Ivanovich Kustoff. Born in 1897, Kustoff was an officer in the Kuban Cossack...
  10. Breast Stars of Saint Anna Order Made by an Unidentified Russian Workshops

    Silver, gilt, enamel. Unmarked. Ex-Tamman collection.
  11. Privately-comissioned Orders of Saint Anna with Swords made by an Unidentified Russian Workshops

    3rd class Saint Anna order with swords and bow. Gold, enamel. Size 39.3 mm. Marked with a St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark "56" and unreadable maker's mark.
  12. Orders of Saint Anna made by Moscow workshop of Ivan Alekseev /ИА/

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-the-saint-vladimir-made-by-moscow-workshop-of-ivan-alekseev-ia.27373/ ; https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-the-noble-bukhara-made-by-moscow-workshop-of-ivan-alekseev-ia.27367/ ...
  13. Orders of Saint Anna made by PS /ПС/ workshop

    See also orders of St.George made by PS /ПС/ workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-st-george-made-by-ps-ps-workshop.26859/ Orders of Saint Vladimir made by PS /ПС/ workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-vladimir-made-by-ps-ps-workshop.27371/ Orders of St...
  14. Orders of Saint Anna made by Grigory Petrovsky workshop /Г.П/

    Workshop history https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-stanislaus-made-by-st-petersburg-workshop-g-p-g-p.26586/ Orders of Saint George made by Grigory Petrovsky workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/4th...made-by-grigory-petrovsky-workshop-g-p.23724/ Orders of Saint Vladimir made by...
  15. Privately-comissioned Orders of Saint Anna made by Dmitriy Osipov workshop /ДО/

    Saint Anna order breast stars made by Dmitriy Osipov workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/breast-stars-of-saint-anna-order-made-by-dmitriy-osipov-workshop-do.28046/ 1st class cross. Gold, enamel. Size 48.3 mm. Weight 18.5 g. Marked with St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark...
  16. Orders of Saint Anna made by St.Petersburg workshop A.R. /А.Р./

    Orders of St. Anna with Diamonds made by A.R. https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-st-anna-with-diamonds-made-by-st-petersburg-workshop-a-r-a-r.28102/ Orders of Saint Vladimir made by A.R. https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-vladimir-made-by-st-petersburg-workshop-a-r-a-r.26676/...
  17. Orders of Saint Anna made by the Second Artistic Artel /Вторая художественная артель/ marked "2XА"

    About workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/ord...dozhestvennaja-artel-marked-2xa-or-esh.26549/ 2nd class "bulbous" cross. Gold, enamel. Size 52.9 x 48.0 mm. Weight 22.2 g. Marked with St. Petersburg assay office "shovel" gold hallmark "56" with a female head in a kokoshnik to the right...
  18. Orders of Saint Anna made by Dmitry Kuchkin factory /ДК/

    Regarding Dmitry Kuchkin factory https://asiamedals.info/threads/st-george-medals-medals-for-bravery-made-by-dmitry-kuchkin-factory-medali-za-xrabrost-proizvodstva-fabriki-dmitrija-kuchkina.26560/ 1st class cross. Gold, enamel. Size 58.5x53 mm. Weight 23.9 g. Marked with Moscow assay office...
  19. Orders of Saint Anna with Imperial Crown made by Frederic Bjork workshop /FB/

    1st class cross with flat "black" /dark red/ enamel made in 1855. Gold, enamel. Size 49.5 mm. Weight 30.12 g. Ring marked with "FB" for Frederik Björk /Фредерика Бьорка/ workshop, year mark "coat of arms of St. Petersburg and 1855" and gold hallmark "56". On the crown loop for the ribbon...
  20. Orders of St. Anna with a flat "black" /dark cherry/ enamel of Unidentified Manufacturers

    1st class cross. Gold, enamel. Size 60 x 55 mm. Weight 22.4 g. Ring marked with gold hallmark "56" and only partly readable maker's mark (could be "ПА/PА" for "Павел Андреев/Pavel Andreev" https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-anna-made-by-pavel-andreev-workshop-pa.26285/)...