Siberia Expedition in Photographs

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西伯利出征紀念 - Siberia Expedition Commemorative

Commander General Oi Shigemoto and other division commanders.jpg

Commander General Oi Shigemoto and other division commanders.

Commander  General Oi Shigemoto and other division commanders.jpg

Commander General Oi Shigemoto and  other division commanders.jpg

Commander General Oi Shigemoto and other division  commanders.jpg
Photo Album Commemorating the 7th Division's Triumphant Return from Siberia /第七師団西伯利亜出征凱旋紀念写真帖/.

Photo Album Commemorating the 7th Division's Triumphant Return from the Siberia.jpg

Commander of 7th Division Lieutenant General Fujii Kotsuchi /陸軍中将藤井幸槌/.

Army Lieutenant General Fujii Kotsuchi, Commanding Officer, 7th Division.jpg
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    siberia expedition history siberia expedition in photographs siberia expedition in photos siberia intervention in photographs siberian intervention シベリア出征 シベリア出征記念
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