орден святого владимира

  1. 3rd class Saint Vladimir order (and other awards) of Karl-Theodor Melgren

    Beautifully preserved 3rd class cross made by Dmitry Osipov workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/privately-comissioned-orders-of-saint-vladimir-made-by-dmitriy-osipov-workshop-do.26447/ Gold, enamel. Size 48 mm. Marked with deformed double-stamped maker's mark "ДО" for Dmitri Osipov...
  2. 4th class Orders of St.Vladimir made by Eduard /ВД/

    Gold, enamel. Size 38.1 × 34.5 mm. Weight 7.6 g. Marked with partly readable St. Petersburg district assay office gold mark from 1908+ time period [alpha, female head in kokoshnik to the right, 56], maker's mark "ВД/VD" for Eduard workshop /ВД = Владимир Яковлевич Динаков/ and "Eduard".
  3. 4th class Orders of St.Vladimir for 20 Naval Campaigns made by Albert Keibel /AK/

    Gold, enamel. Size 38.9 x 34.4 mm. Weight 8.5 g. Marked with St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark "56+anchors", "double-headed eagle" and "AK" for Albert Keibel.
  4. Orders of Saint Vladimir from "Epoch of Napoleonic Wars" made by an Unidentified Workshops

    Orders of St. Vladimir for the Battle of Waterloo https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-st-vladimir-for-the-battle-of-waterloo.28211/ The term "Epoch of Napoleonic Wars" should not be taken literally /i.e. as period 1806-1815/. We use this term because of its popularity among collectors in...
  5. 1st/2nd class Orders of St.Vladimir made by Eduard

    Gold, enamel. Size 54 x 48 mm. Marked with barely visible St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark from 1908+ time period; under the enamel marked with marker's mark "ИЛ/IL" and "Эдуард/Eduard".
  6. Officially issued "Kapitul" embroidered breast stars of Saint Vladimir order from pre-1854 time period

    In 1854 embroidered breast star will be replaced by metal /silver/ breast stars. The most highly approved memorandum of the Chancellor of the Russian Imperial and Royal Orders on the replacement of embroidered /sewn/ breast stars with forged /metal/ ones When awarding persons with orders of...
  7. Orders of Saint Vladimir breast stars made by Ivan Vasilievich Osipov /И.О/ workshop

    Crosses of Saint Vladimir order made by Ivan Osipov /И.О or ИО/ https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-vladimir-made-by-ivan-vasilievich-osipov-i-o-workshop.26717 Breast star from 1860s time period. Silver, gold, enamel. Size 89 mm. Marked St. Petersburg assay office round mark "St...
  8. 3rd class Saint Vladimir order of General Franciszek Morawski

    General thread https://asiamedals.info/threads/1st-class-order-of-saint-stanislaus-awarded-in-1829-to-general-franciszek-morawski.27349 Unusual privately-comissined 3rd class cross of Saint Vladimir order. Gold, enamel. Size 49.6 mm. Weight 20.73 g. Unmarked. Note typical for the order of...
  9. Orders of Saint Vladimir with Swords made by Unidentified Workshop during 1908-1917 time period

    Crosses of this unidentified (as for today) workshop have very peculiar iconography. 4th class Saint Vladimir order of flat "black" enamel with swords from 1908+ time period...
  10. Saint Alexander Nevsky and Saint Vladimir orders embroidered breast stars of General František Josef Jindřich Count Šlik

    Classical officially issued so-called "kapitul" embroidered breast star (see https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-st-alexander-nevsky-made-by-keibel-kammerer-kk.23595/#post-348711) Collection of Military History Institute, Prague.
  11. Embroidered Breast Star of Saint Vladimir Order (and other orders) of Baron Jean-Pierre Chambrier d'Oleyres

    Size 91 mm. Inscribed on the reverse in German "Wladimir Rußischer".
  12. Orders of Saint Vladimir made by Ivan Vasilievich Osipov /И.О/ workshop

    Breast stars of Saint Vladimir order made by Ivan Vasilievich Osipov /И.О or ИО/ https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-vladimir-breast-stars-made-by-ivan-vasilievich-osipov-i-o-workshop.27395/ 1st/2nd class cross. Gold, enamel. Size 53.4 x 48.6 mm. Weight 20.32 g. Marked with St...
  13. Baron Karl Yakovlevich Buhler's embroidered breast star of Saint Vladimir order

    Silver sequins, tinsel. Size 70x77 mm. Breast star was transferred to the State Historical Museum in 1927 from the Military Historical Museum (see https://asiamedals.info/threads/1st-class-saint-vladimir-order-from-the-family-of-buhler-barons.26710/#post-359021).
  14. 1st/2nd class Saint Vladimir order from the family of Buhler Barons

    Gold, enamel. Size 60x65 mm. Weight 38.9. Collection of State Historical Museum. See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/con...rders-of-baron-karl-yakovlevich-buhler.23508/ Same cross under different light.
  15. 1st class Saint Vladimir order of Catherine II the Great

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/1st-class-st-george-order-of-catherine-ii-the-great.23678/#post-356023 ; https://asiamedals.info/threads/order-of-st-andrew-silver-breast-star-of-catherine-ii-the-great.25660/ ...
  16. Order of Saint Vladimir breast star (and other awards) of Marshal of France Gabriel-Jean-Joseph, 1st Count of Molitor

    French-made breast star. Silver, gold, gilt, enamel. Size 86 mm. Weight 68.3 g. Engraved "Beaugeois / Rue de la Paix / N° 2". See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/order-of-saint-andrew-breast-stars-and-other-awards-of-count-auguste-ferron-de-la-ferronnays.25850/#post-356083
  17. 3rd class Orders of St.Vladimir made by Julius Keibel /IK/

    Gold, enamel. Size 50 x 44.5 mm. Weight 13.67 g. Marked with a gold hallmark "56", partly readable St. Petersburg assay office year mark "1869" , "double-headed eagle" and "IK" for Julius Keibel.
  18. 2nd class Orders of Saint Vladimir of Baron Ivan Ivanovich Munch /Johan Reinhold Munck/

    Regarding the cavalier https://asiamedals.info/threads/reduced-orders-of-the-white-eagle-for-wearing-around-the-neck-or-in-the-medal-bar.26004/#post-356605 See also...
  19. Orders of Saint Vladimir made by the Second Artistic Artel /Вторая художественная артель/ marked "2XА"

    About workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-george-made-by-the-second-artistic-artel-vtoraja-xudozhestvennaja-artel-marked-2xa-or-esh.26549/ 4th class cross with swords and bow. Gold, enamel. Size 44 x 39 mm. Weight 15.42 g. Marked with St. Petersburg assay office gold...
  20. Orders of Saint Vladimir made by Immanuel Pannasch /IP/ workshop

    4th class cross. Gold, enamel. Size 33.2 mm. Weight 7.56 g. Marked with an unreadable St. Petersburg assay office year mark, "double-headed eagle". and "IP" for Immanuel Pannasch workshop. Same cross under a different light.