order of saint george

  1. Order of St. George from Fabergé-made "Order of St. George Egg"

    See https://asiamedals.info/threads/order-of-st-george-egg.28519/ ; https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-st-stanislaus-made-by-faberge-kf-workshop.28657/. Gold, enamel.
  2. Orders of Saint George made by Afanasy Panov /A•P/

    Goldsmith Afanasy Vassiliewich Panov /золотых дел мастер Афанасий Васильевич Панов/ between 1802 and 1820 made 52 large crosses of 1st/2nd class St. George order (+ 2 crosses were repaired) and 1065 small crosses of 3rd/4th classes. It total 1117 Saint George crosses were manufactured. See also...
  3. Order of Saint George for 25 Years of Service Documents

    Early document issued to Karl Fyodorovich Knorring on November 26, 1790 and signed by Catherine II the Great. Karl Fyodorovich Knorring /Russian: Карл Фёдорович фон Кнорринг; 22 May 1746 - 12 February 1820/ was a Lieutenant-general of the Russian Empire, who served as the Inspector of the...
  4. Orders of Saint George by made Keibel&Kammerer /KK/ workshop

    See also orders of Saint George for 25 years of service made by Keibel&Kammerer https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-george-for-25-years-of-service-made-by-keibel-kammerer-kk-workshop.26484/ Since the "kapitul" (i.e. officially issued) St.George orders from the 1850s marked only with...
  5. Exemplary 4th class Order of Saint George for 25 Years of Service

    Gold, enamel. Size 35 mm. Marked with St. Petersburg assay office year mark "1845". Exemplary specimen that once was in the collection of Imperial Kapitul /Chapter/. Collection of Moscow Kremlin Museums.
  6. Imperial Majesty Decree Regarding Wearing the Insignia of the Order of St. George/О ношении знаков ордена Св.Георгия на основании Статута оного

    Interesting 1802 Decree directly prohibiting the wearing of similar miniatures. 20.526. - November 26. Imperial Majesty Decree announced by Actual Privy Councilor Troshchinsky. - Regarding wearing the insignia of the Order of St. George on the basis of the Statute thereof. His Imperial...
  7. Orders of Saint George made by jewelers Louis Duval and Jean-Pierre Ador

    The very first crosses of the Order of St. George were commissioned to the jewelers Louis Duval /Луи Дюваль/ and Jean-Pierre Ador /Жан-Пьер Адор/. By the end of 1769 Louis Duval had made 20 “large crosses of the military order” (i.e. crosses of 1st/2nd class) at 22 rubles each and 50 “small”...
  8. 4th class Orders of Saint George for 18 Campaigns made by Immanuel Pannasch /IP/ workshop

    See also orders of Saint George for 25 years of service made by Immanuel Pannasch https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-george-for-25-years-of-service-made-by-immanuel-pannasch-ip-workshop.26482/ Gold, enamel. Size 36х40 mm. Collection of Hermitage.
  9. Breast stars of the Order of St.George made by Eduard workshop

    Silver, gilding, enamel. Size 91 x 91 mm. Weight 63.95 g. Marked with "Eduard", maker's mark "VD/ВД" and St. Petersburg assay office silver hallmark from 1908+ time period. Сollection of Musée de la Légion d'honneur, Paris. Central medallion. Under a different light.
  10. 4th class Orders of Saint George for 25 years of Service of Nicholas I of Russia

    Nicholas I was awarded with 4th class order of St.George for 25 years of service on December 1 (13), 1838. Gold, enamel. Size 48.4 x 31.7 mm. Weight 10.55 g. Unmarked. Collection of Museum of Artillery, Engineer and Signal Corps in St. Petersburg. Photo courtesy of the colleague and friend...
  11. Orders of St.George made by Lemaitre & Fils, Paris

    Crosses of similar iconography were made by Chobillion workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-st-george-made-by-chobillion-paris.25688/#post-355397 4th class cross. Silver, gilding, enamel. Ring marked with "L& - grenade F" for Lemaitre & Fils. Founded in Paris in 1843, G...
  12. 4th class St.George order (and other awards) of Colonel Oleg Ivanovich Pantyukhov

    Gold, enamel. Width 38.7 mm. Marks unreadable. Medallions iconography and cross geometry are typical for "A.Б" cross /Alexander Brylov workshop/мастерская Александра Брылова/...
  13. 4th class of Saint George Order of Denis Vasilyevich Davydov

    In September-December of 1812 Denis Davydov led an army cavalry partisan detachment operating on the Smolensk and Kaluga roads and conducted a number of successful raids on the rear of the French army. By the Highest Decree of Emperor Alexander I of December 20, 1812, he was awarded with the 4th...
  14. Golden Weapon "For Bravery" of Alexander II

    Officer's saber, type 1865. Belonged to Emperor Alexander II Damascus steel, brass, silver, forging, casting, etching, enamel, engraving, gilding. St. Petersburg, last quarter of the 19th century, Shaf and Sons. Blade length with handle 98 cm; blade length: 85.8 cm; blade width at the heel 2.7...
  15. Golden Weapon "For Bravery" of Field Marshal Iosif Gurko

    Officer's cavalry saber, model 1827. Belonged to Field Marshal I.V. Gurko https://asiamedals.info/threads/2nd-class-st-george-order-of-field-marshal-iosif-gurko.23450 Damascus steel, gold, steel, wood; forging, engraving, notching, casting, enamel, painted enamel, mounting. St. Petersburg, last...
  16. 4th class St.George Orders of Prinzen Size /so-called "Naval" type/

    Privately commissioned reduced crosses with elongated rays. Allegedly such crosses were popular among officers of Imperial Russian Navy. Gold, enamel. Size 28х32 mm. Marked with assay office mark for gold "56" from 1899-1908 time period. Central medallions. Mark.
  17. Orders of Saint George made by Julius Keibel workshop /IK/

    1st/2nd class, 3rd class and 4th class crosses made by Julius Keibel in 1870 as a model specimen for Imperial Capitul /Capitula; Kapitul/. Currently in the collection of the Moscow Kremlin Museums. 1st/2nd class cross. Gold, enamel. Size 48 х 73 mm. Marked with a gold hallmark "56" and St...
  18. 4th class St.George Orders made by Grigory Petrovsky workshop /Г.П/

    Workshop history and orders of Saint Stanislaus made by Grigory Petrovsky workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/ord...made-by-grigory-petrovsky-workshop-g-p.26586/ Orders of Saint Vladimir made by Grigory Petrovsky workshop...
  19. 1st/2nd class St. George orders made by Eduard workshop

    1st/2nd class cross of St. George order from the collection of Musée de la Légion d'honneur /Мuseum of the Legion of Honour/. Gold, enamel. Size 55 x 50 mm. Weight 20 g. On display. Barely visible part of the assay mark 56. Cross under a different light.
  20. 1st class St.George orders from Hermitage collection

    Unmarked. Gold, enamel. Size 53 х 77 mm.